
Essen, Essen images, Essen photos, Essen pictures

Essen Germany

Essen is a German city located in the

central part of Ruhr area. Essen was the European Capital of Culture in 2010 on behalf of the whole Ruhr area. It was a mine city, the former Zollverein Coal Mine Industrial Complex has been transformed to house several museums. Hotels in Essen

What to visit in Essen: Essen Minster; Alte Kirche (Old Church); RWE Tower; Villa Hugel; Old Synagogue; Zollverein Coal Mine Industrial Complex; Botanical Garden; Ruhr Museum;

Restaurants in Essen

  • Jagdhaus Schellenberg
  • Restaurant Sa Rang Bang
  • Casino Zollverein
  • Sushi Haus
  • Restaurant Il Mulino
  • Mezzo Mezzo Restaurant

Transports in Essen

There are several airports in Ruhr Area.

By bus: There are buses to/from several destinations.

Map of Essen

Essen map

Map of Essen

Where is Essen on map of Germany

location Essen on map Germany

Where is Essen located on map of Germany